Wherever you are in your search for a Connected Worker Platform you need to know the right questions to find the right vendor for your business. It can feel a bit overwhelming to get started but we’re here to make sure you find what you’re looking for.
Evaluating your vendors requires putting together the right Request For Proposal. Atheer has created this comprehensive Connected Worker Platform RFP Template to help streamline the process for you.
We consulted with industry experts from inside and outside our company to put together a best-in-class template with everything you need to know to send out your RFP with confidence. With this template you’ll avoid miscommunicating with vendors, save hours of independent research and get a peek into the potential of this rapidly evolving industry.
If you’re not yet at the stage where you’re preparing to send out an RFP, don’t worry.
You’re still in the right place. By downloading this template you’ll get a better idea of what Connected Worker Platforms involve. This knowledge will help you find the right questions to ask internal stakeholders to discover how your company can benefit. Then when you’re ready to send out an RFP you’ll be fully prepared.
But why are you taking this first crucial step?
The world of work is in the process of a rapid transformation from Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0. According to LNS Research, 67% of industrial companies already have connected worker initiatives underway. According to Accenture, 85% of manufacturers globally believe connected workers will be commonplace in their plants. But they aren’t alone in seeing the importance of connected work. Gartner called out the trend in their 2020’s Hype Cycle.
“To optimize efficiency, organizations must keep investing in mobile technology, including wearable technologies, for front line workers. These technologies transform the workflows in which these workers participate. Gartner predicts that up to 70% of new mobile and endpoint investments over the next five years will be for front line workers.” - Gartner, 2020
So it’s a big trend and you don’t want your company to be left behind. What are you going to find inside Atheer’s Connected Worker Platform RFP Template? The Connected Worker RFP template will cover in detail:
To download your copy of Atheer’s Connected Worker Front Line Platform RFP Template click here. If you have any questions or suggestions during the process, please drop us a note.
With regards,
Team Atheer
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